BrainTool Vision

While working online you should be able to easily capture and categorize all the tasks, information and knowledge you want to keep track of, get back to it when you need it and edit it as part of your personal information space. Having a system you can trust allows you to close out tabs, avoid distraction and stay focused.

Work these days generally takes place in a proliferation of browser tabs. Increasingly knowledge workers are using task managers and personal knowledge management tools to keep track of notes and tasks and ideas. BrainTool unifies these two information spaces making it easy to organize all of your browseable information resources into a set of related ‘Topics’ and to capture to-dos and free-form notes on those topics within your personal organizational system.

The long term vision for BrainTool is to be the tool your brain needs to keep track of all of your information. It will expand to offer a beautiful and satisfying in-place note taking and curation environment, full content search, productivity tools, and content sharing.

General Philosophy


BrainTool is comprised of a browser extension and a JavaScript web application. The app is entirely a static, source-available, client-side app served from a public software repository. Your data is stored in browser memory or optionally in a file called, locally, or on your Google Drive. No information is stored or accessible anywhere else. (See also the official privacy policy.)

Product Overview

The BrainTool browser extension is a knowledge/notes/links/browser manager. While browsing use the Bookmarker to assign a Topic to web pages you want to save and optionally add a note. Topics, links and associated notes are stored in your personal braintool file.

Topics provide a way of organizing your information. Think of BrainTool as the index into your personal information space. Each topic is represented by a node in the tree shown on the BrainTool Topic Manager, and within the browser by a dedicated window or tab group, with tabs for saved links.

The Topic Manager is your central controller. With drag and drop and powerful keyboard commands it allows you to organize and annotate your topic tree, and to operate your browser - opening, closing and navigating between tabs and windows with ease.

Tab Groups

By organizing links and capturing your notes about them you are mapping your personal information space. BrainTool stores that information space in a plain-text file. As you save pages and add notes a file called is kept updated. That file is regular text but structured in the public org-mode format. The text file can be edited in any text editor but ideally in emacs with org-mode.

Screenshot showing BrainTool with emacs and Chrome views


There will always be a fully functional, free and open source version of BrainTool with a continuously evolving and improving feature set. The following is not intended to be complete or in priority order, feedback is appreciated.

Note that BrainTool is intended to help you actively curate an information space, it is not meant to passively observe or capture all of the random information that flows through your browser.